Chat Settings
  • 10 Sep 2024
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Chat Settings

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Article summary


Admins can modify the chat settings prompt, impacting all users associated with that chat.

Super admins or company admins should navigate to the admin section and go to the "Chat Settings" page.
Select the concerned chat setting and modify the "Instruction" field.

The purpose of this field is to explain how the chat should behave with users and what its objectives are.

Example of an Instruction:
"You are an agent of LightOn, responsible for answering all questions posed by LightOn employees. These questions may relate to company processes, products, or any other inquiries an employee might have within the organization. Provide accurate, helpful, and detailed responses to ensure employees receive the information they need."

Create a new chat settings

A chat setting is automatically generated upon the creation of a company.

When a new company is created, a chat setting is automatically established. This ensures that all necessary configurations and preferences for chat functionalities are in place, facilitating seamless settings.

The chat feature through various settings. These include:

  • Language: cette fonctionnalité/info n'est pas utilisé pour le moment
  • Instruction: ce champ permet à un admin de définir en lalguage natirelle le comportement que doit suivre le chat
  • Document: View the documents linked to the chat functionality.
  • Company: nom de la company associé au chat settings ( Each company can be associated with only one set of chat settings.)
  • Default Model Selection: Administrators can specify which LLM is the default choice in the chat interface for their company.
  • Fallback enabled: Configure how the chat should respond when a user asks a question that does not match any document in the database.
    • Option 1: The chat can still provide an answer, specifying that the response is not sourced from the provided documents.
    • Option 2: The chat can be set to provide no answer if no relevant document is found.
  • Fallback message: when the chat cannot find an answer in the document database and is configured not to respond in such cases.
  • Support email : Define the email address to which bug reports will be sent when users encounter issues and submit bug reports.

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