Legal Links Management
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Legal Links Management

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This page is designed to help you understand the importance and functionality of managing legal links within Paradigm.

Why is Access to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy Important?

Legal compliance is a critical aspect of using any digital platform. It is essential that users have access to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of an application to understand their rights and obligations. On the Paradigm platform, users must accept these legal documents to gain access. This ensures that all interactions on the platform are governed by clear rules and regulations.

Customizing Legal Documents

How Can a Super Admin Customize Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy?
Super admins have the ability to customize the links to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy through the administration interface.

Here’s how it works:
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  1. Navigate to Settings: Log in to the admin interface and go to the 'Settings' section.
  2. Access Legal Document Page: Within 'Settings', find the 'Legal Document' page.
  3. Customize Links or Upload PDF: By default, Paradigm redirects to URLs managed by LightOn. However, super admins can personalize these links or upload a custom PDF document.

This customization allows organizations to ensure that users are agreeing to documents that are specific to their operational and legal requirements.

Tracking User Acceptance

How to See Which Users Accepted the Terms and Conditions and When
To maintain a record of who has accepted the Terms and Conditions, super admins can:
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  1. Go to User Legal Acceptance: In the 'Settings' section, there is a page called 'User Legal Acceptance'.
  2. View User Details: This page lists all users who have accepted the Terms and Conditions. By clicking on a user’s name, you can see the exact date they accepted.

Revoke and Reaccept: If an acceptance record is deleted for a user, they will be required to accept the Terms and Conditions again upon their next login.

Important Note:

Whenever a new file or link is added to the Terms and Conditions by an admin, all users will be required to revalidate the Terms and Conditions upon their next login to the interface. This ensures that all users are aware of and agree to any changes made to the legal documents.

User Experience

What Happens When a User Accesses the Platform for the First Time?

Initial Acceptance: Upon their first login, users must accept the Terms and Conditions to access the platform.
Accessing Documents: During this process, users can click on a dedicated link to review the Terms and Conditions.
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Ongoing Access: After initial acceptance, users can always find links to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy in the footer of all pages on the platform.
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This seamless integration ensures that users are always aware of and can easily access the legal documents governing their use of Paradigm.


Managing legal links within Paradigm is straightforward and essential for compliance. Super admins can easily customize legal documents, track user acceptance, and ensure that all users have easy access to these important documents. This ensures that Paradigm operates within legal frameworks while providing users with the necessary information about their rights and obligations.

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