  • 17 Jul 2024
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Understanding the Admin Panel Logs

The logs section of the admin panel is accessible on this link https://paradigm.lighton.ai/admin/logs/

Capture d’écran 2024-02-13 à 16.46.18.png

In the Logs section of Paradigm, you will find records for completions, requests, and responses:

ML Completion:

Represents a single machine learning (ML) completion object. Each completion contains exactly one output from the language model (LLM). Every interaction with the platform or API generates a completion (user query + model response). All generated completions/responses are listed here.

ML Request:

An API request sent by a user, which may include multiple prompts. Every user request made through the platform or API is recorded and listed in this section.

ML Response:

The corresponding API response from the LLM to the user. If a request includes multiple prompts, there will be multiple completions. Every response generated by the platform or API is recorded and listed here.

Error Responses:

During the use of Paradigm or the API, errors may occur. This section lists and groups all recorded error messages.

Accessing the Audit Log on the Paradigm Platform

To ensure traceability of actions performed by users and admins, the Paradigm platform provides an "Audit Log" section accessible to Super Admins. This guide will help you navigate and utilize this feature.

  1. Log in as Super Admin
  2. Navigate to the Audit Log Section
  3. Consult the Logs: In the Audit Log section, you will see a comprehensive list of all actions performed on the platform. Each log entry includes details such as the user who performed the action, the time and date of the action, and a description of the action.
  4. Use the available search bar to narrow down the logs. .
  5. Exporting Logs: If needed, you can export the log data for further analysis or record-keeping.

By following these steps, Super Admins can effectively monitor and trace all actions performed on the Paradigm platform, ensuring transparency and accountability.

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