Managing User Limits per Company
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Managing User Limits per Company

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Article summary


As a Super Admin, you can set a maximum number of users per company in the admin settings to control the number of users associated with each company. This feature allows you to manage and limit the number of users per company, ensuring that your platform remains organized and efficient.

How do I set the default maximum number of users per company?

To set the maximum number of users per company, navigate to the admin settings and look for the company page. As a Super Admin, you can modify the maximum number of users for each company from this page. The default maximum number of users is set to 10, but you can adjust this limit as needed.
Capture d’écran 2024-07-02 à 16.50.23.png

What happens when I reach the maximum number of users for a company?

When you try to create a new user and the maximum number of active users is reached, an alert message will be displayed. This message will inform you that you need to delete an existing user before creating a new one, as the maximum user limit has been reached.

Can Company Admins modify the maximum number of users per company?

No, Company Admins can only view the maximum number of users per company, but they cannot modify it. If a Company Admin needs to increase the user limit, they should contact their Super Admin to request the change.

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