Step 1 - Preparation
  • 22 Jan 2024
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Step 1 - Preparation

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Article summary


22/01/2024: Document initialization (Ops)

START - Installation Preparation

Requirements before starting

Have 2 GPU machines
Have access to the cluster
Be root on the installation machine (installation of kots)

Prepare well

Secret for:

=> Paradigm database user password (Base 64)
=> Root user password of the Postgres database (Base 64)
=> ChromaDB database user password (Base 64) [If using the Embedding]
=> Django Api Token (Base 64)

If using your own PostgreSQL:

=> Database IP address
=> Database port

If using your own certification authority

=> TLS.CRT (rootCA)
=> TLS.KEY (rootCA)

Work in progress - Préparation 2.jpg

1. Installation Preparation: Set up the necessary environment for deployment.
2. Start-Up: Begin the setup or installation process.
3. Cloud Provider Selection: Choose between AWS, GCP, or another method (such as custom Terraform).
4. Existing Cluster Verification: Decide if the installation will be done on an existing cluster.
5. Installation with Replicated: Determine if an installation with replicated is necessary, to duplicate an existing configuration.
6. Running Specific Commands: Use the indicated commands for the chosen provider to configure the cluster.

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