Step 5 - default Values ​​& Application/Domain
  • 22 Jan 2024
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Step 5 - default Values ​​& Application/Domain

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Procedure for Setting Default Values

Default values.jpg

To configure your system with the recommended default values, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Selecting Default Values
Access the Default Values section of the user interface.
Check the Use default values configuration box to activate the default configuration.

Step 2: Verifying Default Values
Ensure the following values are included and correctly set in your configuration:

Database User [Paradigm]: missioncontrol_user
Database Name [Paradigm]: missioncontrol
Debug Mode [Paradigm]: False (set to false to disable debugging)
Storage Class Name [LLM]: standard-rwo (standard read-write once)
Storage Capacity [LLM]: 100Gi (100 gigabytes)
Postgres Version [Image]: 15 (ensure to use this version or a newer one)
Celery Image [Image]: (use the latest container image)
Redis Version [Image]: 7.0 (recommended version)
Paradigm Image [Image]:
LLM Image [Image]:

Step 3: Applying Settings
After verifying that all values are correct, apply the settings by clicking the save or apply button, depending on your system's interface.
If necessary, restart the service or application for the changes to take effect.

Final Note

The default configuration is optimized for standard use. If specific needs of your environment require adjustments, contact technical support.

Procedure for Setting the Application Name and Domain

Application and Domain name.jpg

To customize the name of your application and the associated domain, please follow the steps described below:

Step 1: Entering the Application Name
Go to the Application & Domain section.
In the Application Name field, enter the name you want to give your application. This field is required.
For example, if you enter myapplication, the URL to access your application will be formatted as follows: paradigm-[application name].domain_name.

Step 2: Entering the Domain Name
In the Domain Name field, enter the custom domain for your application. This field is also required.
For example, by entering, the complete URL to access the application will be: paradigm-application name.[].

Step 3: Confirmation of Details
Verify that the entered information is correct and in line with your expectations for the application name and domain.

Final Note

The application and domain names must be unique and representative of your business or project. They will be used for web-based access to the application, so ensure they are easy to remember and type for end-users.

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