Step 6 - Setting up Paradigm
  • 23 Jan 2024
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Step 6 - Setting up Paradigm

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Article summary


23/01/2024: Document initialization (Ops)

I. Paradigm Settings Configuration Procedure

Paradigm settings.jpg

Correct configuration of your database and network settings is essential to ensure the security and performance of your Paradigm application. Follow the instructions below to define these settings:

Step 1: Database User Configuration

  • In the Paradigm Database User section, enter a custom username for connecting to your database.
    • Default Value: missioncontrol_user
    • Using a non-default administrator for security reasons is recommended.

Step 2: Database Table Name

  • Under Paradigm Database Table Name, specify a descriptive table name to identify your database among others.
    • Default Value: missioncontrol

Step 3: Debug Mode Setting

  • For the Debug Mode, choose True to enable or False (default) to disable debugging.
    • Selected Value: False

Step 4: Setting Authorized Hosts

  • In the Paradigm Allowed Hosts section, provide the IP addresses and web domains authorized to connect to Paradigm. This is necessary for enhanced security.
    • Required Format: name of service:ip
    • Example entry: paradigm:paradigm-[application-name].[domain-name]

Step 5: Trusted Origins

  • For Trusted Origins, list the URLs of web applications authorized to send secure requests to Paradigm, separated by commas.
    • Example URL: https://paradigm-[application-name].[domain-name]

Step 6: Saving and Applying Settings

  • After completing the necessary fields, click the save button to store your configurations.
  • Ensure all entries are correct and free of typos that could cause connection issues.
Final Note

Ensure that the settings match the specific needs of your application and adhere to your organization's security guidelines.

II. Password and Persistent Volume Path Configuration Procedure for Paradigm

Work in progress - Secret Paradigm.jpg

This section guides users through the secure configuration of the database password and persistent volume path in Paradigm 2.

Step 1: Entering the Database Password

  • Locate the Paradigm Database Password section.
  • Enter your Paradigm database password in Base64 format.
    • Base64 encoding is required for enhanced security during password transmission or storage.

Step 2: Setting the Persistent Volume Path

  • In the Paradigm Persistent Volume Path section, specify the persistent local path of the volume that Paradigm will use for storage.
    • Example path to enter: /my/volume/path

Step 3: Verification and Saving

  • Ensure that the database password is correctly encoded and that the volume path is valid and accessible.
  • Click the save button to store your configurations.
Final Note

The security of login information is crucial. Be careful not to share your encoded password and keep it in a secure place.

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